NorSIF býður meðlimum allra norrænna samtaka um ábyrgar fjárfestingar á hinn árlega Nordic SIF fund sem að þessu sinni er haldinn í Osló. Aðeins meðlimir í IcelandSIF hafa rétt til skráningar.
10.00: Coffee and registration
10.30: Welcome
10.40 – 12.30: ESG in Credit portfolios
“ESG investing in Credit” presented by Albert Desclée, Managing Director, Quantitative Portfolio Strategy, Barclays Research. Analyzing the effect of ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) rating on the performance of corporate bonds while controlling for differences in risk characteristics. Barclays investigate whether differences in performance between high and low ESG portfolios can be attributed to changes in valuation and detail the contribution of individual pillars (E, S and G) taken in isolation.
Official launch of report from the Norsif working committee on ESG-integration, presented by the working committee.Norsif's working group has been working on creating a guide to ESG in credit management, focusing on Norwegian credit management, and will present the findings from this work.
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 16.30: Development of Responsible Investments – how does «the Nordic Way» fit in?
«The Nordic Way» of Responsible Investments, speaker TBD
Presentation of HLEG (EU High level expert group on sustainable finance) report and action plan: Financing a sustainable European economy. Presented by Flavia Micilotta, Eurosif.
Workshop session – How can the Nordic countries contribute to the development and what do they have to do to adapt to EUs action plan.
16.30: Closing remarks
17.00: Reception – Drinks and snacks will be served on behalf of Norsif at KLP
18:30: Dinner, held at Stock, Dronning Eufemias gate 14 Map here. We have reserved tables. Costs are paid individually.
8.45: Coffee
9.00 – 10.45: Presentation by all the Nordic SIFs – Interesting activities and initiatives from the last year. Current trends and challenges in your SIF.
Norsif: Bjørn Stolpestad, Chairman of the board
Swesif: Anita Lindberg, Chairman of the board
Dansif: Johan Mellerup, Chairman of the board and Andreas Stang, treasurer at Dansif
Iceland SIF: Hrefna Ö. Sigfinnsdottir, Chairman of the board
Finsif: TBD
10.45 – 11.00: Coffee
11.00 – 12.30: How to conduct effective company engagements?
Presentation of company engagement, dialogues and ownership priorities in Norges Bank Investment management (NBIM) - Carine Smith Ihenacho, Chief Corporate Governance Officer
Quick presentations of different engagement models
Nordic Engagement Cooperation, a cooperation between Ilmarinen, Folksam, PFA and KLP. Presenter TBD
East Capital presents how they do engagements, presented by Louise Hedberg, East Capital
Norsif ownership working group, presented by Matthew Smith, Storebrand
12.30 – Closing remarks – Sandwiches «to go»