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NordicSIF 2021, Timber! Green, brown or something in between?
9.6.2021 @ 11:00 – 13:30
NordicSIFs will meet this year around Forest theme. Before we wander off into the woods we start with the presentations by the NordicSIF chairpersons. NordicSIFs are at the forefront of sustainable investing globally and we are happy to share the updates on current activities across Nordic countries.
Nordic region has 20% of Europe's wood stock. Sweden, Norway and Finland are three of the most forest-rich countries in Europe. In the coming years a number of Commission Initiatives are expected on a framework for sustainable products. How and to what extent will forest industry be included in this work? From the perspective of forest-rich countries, the forthcoming revision of EU Forest strategy is crucial.
Investors have been drawn to forests due to good long term returns with low volatility, the defensive nature of forestry and the low correlation with other asset classes. Now forests have become an attractive option for investors not only because of commercial timber value but also for potential new sources of revenues, such as carbon credits.
Forest use provokes many emotions and there are increasing demands on forests, for carbon sequestration, for renewable bio-based materials and products which can substitute non-renewable ones, for rural livelihoods, and for recreation, all in the context of a rapidly changing climate. Forests contribute to biodiversity conservation, employment, and income of rural communities. Only about 2% of the European forests are considered undisturbed by man.
Are our forests supplying wood on a sustainable basis? The concept of sustainable forest management is based on the idea of fulfilling the ecological, economic, and social functions of forests on a basis which will provide benefits for present generations while not sacrificing the needs of future ones, as defined at the Helsinki Ministerial Conference in 1992.
NordicSIF will return to the foundations laid down in 1992 in Helsinki. Forestry is both topical and all-embracing subject. We warmly welcome you to join our experts with lively discussions and presentations on forestry, its multiple values and benefits to us all.
11:00 Welcome Terhi Koipijärvi, Director, Communications, Strategy and Responsibility, Metsähallitus
11:05 NordicSIFs today - Organization, people, activities
DanSIF - Dewi Dylander, chairperson
FinSIF – Marja Karttunen, chairperson
IcelandSIF – Kristbjörg Kristinsdottir, chairperson
NorSIF - Janicke Scheele, chairperson
SweSIF - Susanne Bolin Gärtner, chairperson
12:00 Investor´s comment on Nordic Forestry, Jyri Hietala, CEO, UB Nordic Forest Management Ltd
EU Forest Strategy Nils Torvalds - a Member of the European Parliament (MEP)
Investor´s comment on regulation, Tapani Pahkasalo, Partner, Dasos Capital Oy Ltd
Sustainable Forest Management Timo Lehesvirta, Leading Specialist, Climate and Nature Solutions, Sitra
Investor´s comment on sustainability, Roger Naylor, Portfolio Manager, Evli Fund Management Company Ltd
13:00 Fireside chat Terhi Koipijärvi, Director, Communications, Strategy and Responsibility, Metsähallitus
13:00 Q&A
13:30 Event ends