Fræðslufundur um óbein umhverfisáhrif fjármálafyrirtækja (fjarfundur) 8. sept. kl. 13

IcelandSif býður aðildarfélögum á hádegisfund þann 8. september, kl. 13-14, þar sem fjallað verður um óbein umhverfisáhrif fjármálafyrirtækja í gegnum fjárfestingar og útlán.

Fundurinn verður haldinn á Teams, daginn fyrir fund verður fundarhlekkur sendur þeim sem skráð hafa sig á fundinn.


Undanfarið ár hafa margir af stærstu bönkum heims hafið að birta upplýsingar um áætlaða losun gróðurhúsalofttegunda vegna útlána og fjárfestingastarfsemi sinnar. Á fundinum verður fjallað um þá undirliggjandi aðferðafræði til grundvallar slíkum útreikningum og hagnýtingu þessara upplýsinga.

Á fundinum verða tveir gestafyrirlesarar, Cara Merusi frá Guidehouse, sem hefur verkefnastýrt þróun leiðbeininga PCAF (Partnership for carbon accounting financials) og Jamie Martin frá Morgan Stanley sem fjallar um nálgun Morgan Stanley í málaflokknum og hagnýtingu PCAF innanhúss.


Cara Merusi, Guidehouse

Cara Merusi is a Senior Consultant on the Sustainability Solutions team at Guidehouse in London. Cara works on projects relating to corporate governance and climate policy. She specialises in developing sustainability strategies for corporate and public-sector clients wishing to reduce their carbon footprints, and she helps them identify business risks and opportunities in a changing climate. For the last two years, Cara has been mostly working with financial institutions on net zero strategies and client engagement programmes.

Cara is also the UK, Africa and Middle East lead for the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF), helping financial institutions measure and disclose their financed emissions. As part of the PCAF Secretariat, Cara collaborates with financial institutions to develop and implement first of its kind carbon accounting guidance.

Prior to joining Guidehouse in 2018, Cara worked at the University of Edinburgh, where she co-developed a strategy for meeting the University’s “zero by 2040” target.


Jamie Martin, Morgan Stanley

Jamie Martin is an Executive Director in Morgan Stanley’s Global Sustainable Finance group, responsible for delivering sustainable investing products and solutions to the firm's institutional and wealth management clients. In this role, Jamie collaborates across the firm’s Institutional Securities, Investment Management and Wealth Management divisions to drive adoption of sustainable investing strategies seeking to achieve competitive financial returns alongside measurable positive environmental and/or social impact.

He is a former representative on the Executive Committee of The Green Bond Principles and B Lab’s Multinational and Public Markets Advisory Council. Jamie started his career at Citigroup, working in the firm’s Global Investment Research division. He graduated from Colgate University with a B.A. and received an M.B.A. after studying at HEC Paris and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.

13:00 - 14:00

Fundurinn verður haldinn á Teams

Skráning opnar:

kl. 11:00 27/08/2021

Skráning endar:

kl. 13:00 8/09/2021